Bedankt voor de uitgebreide uileg over "mount" en "unmount", Ook heb ik geleerd dat het niet aan te raden is om build-in applications te verwijderen. Ik heb echter nog geen antwoord /oplossing mogen ontvangen van hoe men: 1) een nieuwe desktop icoon kan plaatsen van vb. Chromium die ik gedowdload ...
OK folks and thanks again for the kind help and tips. Meanwhile I was able to unmount /sda1 and rezise it to max. capacity. Indeed one have to boot in RAM . But the more I use Linux the more I encounter new issues. So I do not understand the exact meaning of "Mount" and "Unmount". Is it the same as ...
In the meantime I am also curiously looking for solutions, and step by step I do find a solution here and there. Thanks to your help and tips. Your question how I installed Bionic32 ? Simply, downloaded the .iso file and burned it to a USB key with Rufus. Then let the USB boot on my ThinClient (TC ...
Good evening everyone. Below is an overview of my completed assignments. 1) you are correct when you say that 24bit versions are more up to date and work better. So I installed the FossaPup64 9.5, 64bit version on my Thin Client. This is a disaster. Works very slow. The default browser is Palemone ...
Problem 2) not solved : I could download Palemoon browser but was unable to install it. IMG_20220128_214142.jpg . In fact I do not know how to do it. They ask me to open an application ? what where how ? So I decided to stop with Slako 5.7 and to go for Bionec Pup 8.0
Dear friens, thanks for the positive reactions. I understand the frustrations of some but I cann't help. I will use now a Google translation, OK ?
Problem 1 Thin Client Hardware: I upgraded the hardware. Have replaced the CF of 1GB with a CF of 8Gb, and replaced the sodimm of 1Gb with a sodimm of ...
Beste Puppy vrienden, sorry dat ik in het Nederlands moet handelen. Mijn Engels is niet goed. Ik heb helemaal geen ervaring met Linux, maar heb wel ervaring met Microsoft en Windows. Probleem : ik wil een Thin Cient computer omvormen tot een werkende "stand alone" PC. Daar dit toestel maar een ...