Just a suggestion:
Did you consider using a lower screen resolution while keeping the size of your work area.
About Screen Panning: viewtopic.php?p=6373#p6373
Just a suggestion:
Did you consider using a lower screen resolution while keeping the size of your work area.
About Screen Panning: viewtopic.php?p=6373#p6373
Sounds quite possible...
At least yesterday i had the reply page open and minimized while editing and
testing one of the scripts i attached and taking a screenshot.
Forgot to mention how to use the gui. Sorry.
If you start with a new file, all entries are empty.
To get basic values click mtPaint. This creates a preview of zoom areas and auto fills the most important entries.
(also added instruction to my previous post)
Today i got logged out while typing a reply and adding an attachement.
This already happend a while ago, when i tried to reply with a quote.
Is there something i can do to prevent beeing logged out while typing or is it a bug in the forum software?
As i said, it's just to give an impression of what can be done...
Comments and references are in German. Image is only for the window icon of urxvt.
I may be wrong, but the screenshot in the first post looks like the gtk3 filechooser.
In s15pup64, i can change the window size for min browser running as spot using gsettings
run-as-spot gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser window-size '(824, 622)'
@mikewalsh As far as i know, the config for JWM changed.
Mouse actions are configured using Mouse tags.
See: https://github.com/joewing/jwm/blob/mas ... mple.jwmrc
If you scroll down to line 198, there is an example config for scrolling thru workspaces.
vektor_alian wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:00 am...
You still need to click something to shutdown though, right?
Not necessarily... If you use crond or automatic power off from eventmanager you don't click anything,
but the script in /etc/init.d will run anyway.
I have put an executable script in /etc/init.d that will do some cleanup on shutdown.
Works for me in PUPMODE=5, but i can't say if it interferes with shutdownconfig.
To execute only when shutting down it needs an additional test at the beginning:
Code: Select all
[[ $1 != stop ]] && exit
IIRC, to use keyboard shortcuts in ROX-Filer you have to enable it in gtk configuration:
Looks like a typo in your config
KERNEL_CMDLINE=psubdir=/SlakoPup pmedia=atahd
definitely looks wrong to me
According to your screenshot it should read SlackoPup with c
Assuming xterm is a script that runs urxvt, your commandline will look different:
Code: Select all
urxvt -title "Connecting to windscribe..." -e sh -c "windscribe connect Seattle; sleep 10; windscribe status; read -p \"FINISHED. PRESS ENTER KEY TO CLOSE THIS WINDOW\""
To update edited cronjobs i use echo root > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/cron.update
Works from terminal or script.
Go to the first post on this page, in that post click the pencil (left next to your avatar) to edit the post and change the subject by adding (SOLVED)
I sometimes use the web interface at https://web.whatsapp.com/ with Min browser.